Sunday, October 25, 2009

Silverado High School Homecoming Dance 2009

Last night was Chris's first high school Homecoming dance. He looked so sharp in his suit and tie. And his little date Mackenzie looked very pretty. He didn't tell me that he was going and even had a date until the 3 days before the dance, so we went to the florist on Friday after school to order her corsage. He went into the cooler and helped pick out the flowers and even helped pick out the ribbons that went in it. Then it was off to the mall to find him a suit. He wanted a purple tie to match Makenzie's dress, so he picked out a tie, tried on a suit and he was set.

Louis and I picked it up the corsage on Saturday morning and it looked so pretty. I knew that it would look really good with Mackenzie's dress. I showed it to Chris when we got back home and he said it was pretty and he had a really big smile on his face when he saw it.

We went over to pick up Mackenzie about 5:45 and both me and her mom had them stand for the mandatory picture taking. Neither one of them seemed to mind and I discovered that I really like Mackenzie after she told her mother to make sure that she got her shoes in the picture! A girl after my own heart!

So, pictures taken, and we were off to the school to drop them off for the dance. Chris was a total gentleman and opened the door for Mackenzie to get into the car and ran around the car and opened it for her to get out once we got there. I was caught up in watching him do this, that I didn't get a picture of him opening it to get in, but I remembered to get one of him holding it open for her once we got to the school. Then they were off! They went to Red Robin and ate afterward with Chris's friend Tucker and his date.

Chris said that they all had a really good time.

I can't believe that he is already in high school and is starting to go to semi-formal dances! Wherever did the time go? *sigh* I know that this is just the first of many more dances to come and I am both excited and sad that he is growing up. But I am so proud of the young man that he had turned out to be!

Chris and I might not see eye to eye sometimes, but I am very proud of him and I can't wait to see what the next few years of high school hold for him! Chris, I love you buddy!!

Chris and Mackenzie

Isn't he handsome?..

Such a gentleman!!

Chris and his friend Tucker


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