Saturday, September 20, 2008

Getting up to speed...

After keeping up with some family, their family and their friends by reading their blogs faithfully, I thought that I would make a blog for my family so that my family (that is so very far away) could keep up with us. I am doing a lot of assuming that they *want* to keep up with my family! But anyway, I know that my Mommy will at least look at it. : ) I figured since I just started this thing, that I should bring everyone up to speed as to " what's happening in vegas"...

I'll start all the way back to September 2007...if I skip a month, that means nothing other than day to day things happened that month! : )

l September 2007 - Louis and I got the amazing opportunity to go see the Cubs in the playoffs. Although they lost, it was so amazing to be at Wrigley Field for a playoff game! We also went to a regular season game in July and got to go onto the field before the game and watch batting practice and sit in the dugout! Louis' aunt, uncle and cousins went with us. What a cool thing that was!!

l April 2008 - Louis woke up in the early morning hours of April 30th in terrible pain. I knew from where the pain was located, that he probably had a kidney stone. He made me go on into work and was going to call his doctor when his office opened at 9:00, but shortly before 9:00 he called me saying he couldn't wait and I met him at the ER at the hospital by where I work. After a urinalysis and CT scan, my suspicions were confirmed, he had a gigantic 6mm kidney stone completely blocking his right ureter and 3 smaller ones in his kidney. Now because of the stone's size, he was going to need surgery. But Louis' doctor is on the other side of town and does not have privileges at our hospital. Thank goodness I work for a great doctor and he was willing to admit Louis and take care of him while he was in the hospital. It is also nice that my doctor is well known at our hospital and also was able to get a consult called in quickly for a urologist to come see him and take him to surgery. The surgery was scheduled for early the next morning and it lasted all of 32 minutes. I was told it would be around 40-45 minutes, so I was surprised to see Dr. Finkelstein come out so early. He is an absolutely great guy and a great doctor. He answered all my questions, set both our minds at ease and although Louis had to have a stent for a week after the surgery (I will not go into the details of that, suffice it to say it was very uncomfortable for him), his recovery went really well. He even played a gig (he is a drummer/singer) the Saturday after his surgery!

l June 2008 - We went on our annual vacation to Manzanillo, Mexico. We absolutely love it there! We have gone there the last 6 years. This year my Mom met us down there. We all had a good time, saw lots of neat and beautiful things, ate a lot of good food, spent a lot of time with our friend Jose and Erica and their girls Navia and Kate and had a lot of laughs. As usual, we had to have a little drama. You may not know this, but back in 2006 while in Mexico, Louis decided to raise his head up into a 5 speed industrial ceiling fan. You know, the one with the huge metal blades?! Well, he had a giant gash in his scalp and we were taken to a little free clinic by the taxi driver who came and got us. They put in 7 stitches, gave him a tetanus shot, antibiotics and pain meds. The grand total of that whole thing came to 100 pesos! (That is roughly $10.00 American) Well, anyways, back to Chris...he was running down the beach and stepped on something (we think a sharp rock, shell or maybe even a piece of glass), and sliced his big toe on his right foot open. He didn't realize that he had done this until he had take a few steps with it cut open, so he ended up with a layer of sand caked up inside the cut. Now being in the medical field, I always carry band-aids, antibiotic ointment, anti-diarrhea meds and even antibiotic meds with us when we go to Mexico. I didn't realize that I should have also brought iodine preps, 4x4 gauze pads, surgical scissors and surgical tape! Chris is usually a pretty tough kid, but you would have thought that someone was chopping off his toe when I tried to clean out that sand! I wasn't getting anywhere cleaning it out with the things that I had and I knew that it needed more than I could do, so our friend Jose came and took us to that same little free clinic that Louis went to 2 years ago. And to my surprise, the same little male nurse was there, and he remembered us and Louis! They took Chris back, cleaned up his toe (which caused more screaming and dramatics from Chris), put some gauze on it and sent us home. They weren't going to take any money from us this time. We insisted that we should pay something so they said 20 pesos (that's $2.00!). I love Mexico!!

June 15th (the day after we got back from Mexico) was Louis' 40th birthday. I planned a big surprise party for him at our favorite Mexican restaurant. I had him a custom cake made to look just like his snare drum and he and his friends were absolutely blown away by it. It was pretty amazing! We had a really good time!

l July 2008 - Mark decided to get in a little time with a doctor this month. He climbed up on a wall in our subdivision (playing hide and go seek with friends) and when he was coming down off that wall, he lost his balance, fell and landed on his left arm and broke it! Now keep in mind that this is the same arm that he broke 3 years ago. And of course, he couldn't have done this through the week where I could take him to his doctor, no, he had to do this on a Saturday to he could go to the ER! It turned out OK, because I knew the radiology tech who came to do his x-rays. And because he already had an orthopedic doctor (a past broken arm and an amputated tip of his ring finger on his left hand, yes you read that right!) I got him an appointment on Tuesday for his cast to be put on. He only had to have this cast on for 3 weeks, the one 3 years ago was 6 weeks. Good thing since it was July and 110+ degrees outside!

l August 2008 - Back to school time! Chris started 8th grade and Mark started 6th grade. My little baby is in middle school! I can't believe it! It seems like only yesterday I dropped him at the kindergarten class and worried about him all day. The worrying part is still there, he is just older now!

I think that brings us up to this month. I will post a few things that have happened this month on the next post. I am going to attempt to put a little slide show up showing pictures from all the stuff I just mentioned. Until then, everyone take care!

Angela, Louis, Chris and Mark