Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veteran's Day Thank You

Today is Veterans Day. If you know or see someone who served or is serving in the military, make it a point to stop and tell them 'THANK YOU' today.

I myself want to say a few thank yous today to the thousands of men and women who are serving our great country in Afghanistan or Iraq as well as at our many military bases here and overseas.

Thank you to my Daddy for his service in the Navy. He would not want me to say when/where his service was because military guys don't like to brag. After all, "Loose Lips Sink Ships!" But suffice it say it was during a time when guys came home to a not so great welcome. But Daddy, I want you to know that I am proud of the time you spent in the Navy defending your country and today, I say I love you and I thank you!

Thank you goes to my cousin Bryan who is in the Navy and is currently on deployment. He is a brave guy who is away from his family a lot serving and protecting our country. The sacrifices he makes and has made for many years are hard to fathom. Yet, he does his duty with such dignity and pride and never complains. I am very proud of him and pray for his safety daily. Thank you Bryan! Come home soon. I love you!

Thank you to all the military wives, children and families out there. YOU are the ultimate warriors! You hold down your forts in your loved ones absence and your strength during their service is awe inspiring. This especially goes out to Bryan's wife Hillary and their daughters Emily and Allison and their angel who watches over them, Natalie. Hillary, you are an inspiration and a blessing.

Finally, to the families, friends and soldiers of Ft. Hood. You are in my prayers.

God bless all military personnel everywhere and God bless this great country!
